Natural Hair Favorites

Hey boo! I’m often asked for product recommendations so I wanted to share some of my favorites with you. Please remember the importance of having a consistent regimen, as this is the KEY to maintaining healthy hair. Products perform different for everyone depending on your hair texture, porosity, density, and product ingredients. As you begin experimenting with different products and combinations, you will start to understand what your hair likes and dislikes. The key is to see what works best for YOU!

Some of the links below are affiliate links which means that I will receive a small commission with each purchase. As always, my reviews and recommendations are my honest opinion. I really, really appreciate your support!

The items marked with an *** represent the products that we are currently using.

Kinks, Coils, and Curls


**Innersence Shampoo Hydrating Cream Hair Bath
Twelve12 Beaute So Glo Organic Shampoo


Rinse out conditioners:

**Innersence Hydrating Cream Conditioner
Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner
Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle conditioner
Aunt Jackie’s Quench (This is an amazing detangler too!)
Curl Junkie Curl Rehab (moisture)
Mielle Organics White Peony Leave in Conditioner
As I Am (Original) Leave-in conditioner
As I Am Long and Luxe Grogurt Leave In Conditioner


Moisturizers (An Optional Step):

Camille Rose Naturals Curlaide Moisture Butter


Stylers (Mousse and Gels):

**The Doux Bee Girl Curling Custard
**The Doux Big Poppa




Basic Clarifying Shampoo

Leave in conditioning spray (only on wash day)

Organic Rose water, Distilled Water and Aloe DIY spray (Every few days or as needed)

Wash weekly, Retwist once every 4 – 6 weeks


  1. Prissy Curls
    January 30, 2016 / 3:23 am

    Hey Jen!
    I’ve been playing around with Bekura Palm Tapioca Deluxe Hair Buttercream. I’ve only used it to moisturized my 2nd day wng. I just recieved it a few days ago so I haven’t had a chance to play around with it, but I will in the near future. It’s cold here in Va, so I’m trying to keep my hair moisturized as much as possible. The Tapioca cream really does keep my strands feeling wonderful and you only need a small amount plus you don’t have to reapply daily. It’s a thick water based cream that absorbs into my strands instantly, leaving my strands thoroughly moisturized with a nice healthy sheen. I didn’t think it would work for my fine, lo-po hair but it does and the bonus it smells heavenly.

    • Jen.
      July 24, 2016 / 11:43 pm

      Hi Prissy Curls! How did this comment slide by me? I’m so sorry! This cream sounds familiar. I know I haven’t tried it but I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve read up on it before. Thank you so much for sharing, I’ll have to check out this brand because I’m in dire need of more products for fine, low po. hair!

  2. Tiana
    June 17, 2016 / 1:35 pm

    Hi, I love you and your daughters hair and I have so many questions lol. What were you doing to her hair when she was a baby or right before she turned one. My 10 month old’s hair is beautiful like J’s when it’s wet but quickly dries out with everything I use (even Miss Jessie’s baby butter) and looks like a curly dry Afro sometimes. I need help lol. Also, were you always natural or did you transition? I’ve been trying you transition without the big chop but it’s so hard for me not to use heat. Please let me know! Thanks

    • Jen.
      July 8, 2016 / 9:48 pm

      Hi Tiana! I’m so sorry love, I didn’t get a notification of your comment, I’m sorry this reply is coming so late! Thank you so much for your kind words, and for watching us through this journey! To be honest, moisture retention is something I often struggled with (and still do sometimes) for J’s hair. I have a 3 month old now (with a head full of curls) and I’m asking myself the same questions. For starters, always remember that water is the best moisturizer, so any product that you use will NEED to have water as it’s first ingredient (if you are relying on more than just water itself). Also, double check your product ingredients and keep a close eye on how her hair reacts to certain ones. I know that a lot of curlies swear off silicones because they coat the hair shaft, eventually preventing moisture to penetrate it. I’m not sure if Miss Jessie’s contains silicones or not but there may be some other ingredients that react in a similar way, or are just too heavy for her hair so they sit on top of the hair shaft, rather than getting INSIDE of it. I know it sounds crazy but also do a few tests to see if her hair takes better when product is applied to it wet or damp. There are mixed theories out there as to which works best but YOU are the true judge of that.

      Here are a few things that I’m hoping will help in terms of moisture retention for your little:

      1. Wash, condition, apply a leave in/moisturizer. I know it’s hard but try your best to have a consistent regimen that you follow once a week, once every two weeks… whatever time span works for you two.
      2. When her hair gets dry mid week, don’t be afraid to spritz with a little water, and restyle.
      3. Keep her hair protected as much as possible. Of course it’s not ideal for a baby to sleep in a satin scarf (lol) but you can try a satin blanket under her head or a satin sheet for her to sleep on. Keeping it twisted, braided, or styled more often than it is “out” to prevent tangles.
      4. I know I mentioned it already but I just want to stress the importance of knowing whats in your products. Especially for our littles! Have you tried any all natural products?

      I “transitioned” for a few short months each time I went natural, but dealing with the 2 different textures proved too difficult for me so I big chopped quickly! If I knew what I know now as far as braid outs, twist outs, bantu knots, etc. I may have kept my length a little longer, but who knows for sure. Have you tried any of these styles? I KNOW how hard it can be to refrain from heat, but take it on as a challenge! Even if you just remove it from your routine gradually, it’s still progress!

  3. Ashley
    December 13, 2018 / 8:54 am

    Hi. I have a 1 year old and am interested in trying some of the shampoos u recommend/use. However, several of thm do not state that they are tear free and she is super fidgety/full on tantrum status during shampoos. How do u get your youngest to sit still or what tear free shampoos do u recommend, if any, until i can get her full cooperation

    • Jen.
      April 12, 2019 / 7:19 pm

      Hi Ashley! Please forgive the delay in my response. Thank you for reaching out, I actually get this question all the time! I recently posted a Youtube Live video where I show my son getting his hair washed. He was two at the time, but hopefully this technique works for your little as well. I try my best to keep him calm (and sometimes entertained with toys) and engaged. I ask him to look at the ceiling when he is getting his hair rinsed, so the suds go back and not forwards. I have near used tear free options, but from what I hear the “tear free” options can still be damaging because of the chemicals used in them. Please let me know how wash day goes if you try this technique or if you find something different that works for you!

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