My Six Year Old Taught Me Something Special.

I’m slowly learning to pivot. I can thank my children for that. Things have been crazy since COVID hit and truthfully, it’s taken a toll on my confidence, my mental health, and my… sanity. With emotions (and anxiety) running on high, and the fear of the unknown constantly dancing in my head, it really has been my Husband and my kids that have helped me stay “somewhat” together. This week I have found comfort in listening to the little people that I created. The lesson that I learned this week is the importance of trusting myself.


The other day, a few moments before bedtime, my daughter asked if we could take her outside to let her practice riding her bike again. We finally took her training wheels off the week before, and while she was making small strides, I could tell she felt defeated because she wasn’t able to keep her balance for long. We weren’t as consistent as she wanted us to be all week, but I could tell that tonight she needed this time to prove something to herself.

I was dog tired and just coming off of a HORRIBLE day of work. All I wanted to do was SLEEP… or eat ice cream and sulk about my bad day… anything but go back outside in that Florida heat! But who was I to take this moment from her? So, outside we went.

Listen. She blew us away!  Not only did she take off riding, she kept her balance and she did GREAT! I was so proud and inspired watching her! (Shout out if you saw me post her “I believe in myself” pep-talk on my IG stories earlier this week.) 

So, why are we talking about this today? Well, after my Proud Mama, overly emotional reaction (yes I cried) I felt… motivated. You ever been in church and you feel like the Pastor is talking DIRECTLY to you? This was THAT message and I needed to hear it. She needed that boost for herself, but she didn’t even realize that it helped me too. I started to think — “How can I apply this lesson to MY life?

I over analyze everything. I second guess myself. I have moments where I’m feeling lower than low, and I feel like I’m losing my footing. What if I shifted and started feeding my faith and believing in myself? My goals? Would I know when I’m ready? Would I just give myself a pep talk, stand up tall and ride out? 

My six-year-old taught me that I need to start trusting myself more, just by watching the way that she put her mind to something and didn’t let up. Is this something that you can apply to your life too? I’d love to hear how you are trusting in yourself today!



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